Wanting to Better Serve YOUR clients?


looking to build a niche or specific client base?

You're in the right place!

Stay in the loop!

Sooooo what does that even look like?

Heres 6 quick questions YOU should be asking

Hang with me on this biz planning crash course

I've got a freebie for you a few scrolls away 🙌🏼


Real Estate Investors, Home Buyers, The First Tome home Buyers, Homeowners looking for an upgrade. Those shopping for their forever home, the empty nesters down sizing, 2nd Homes, Luxury investors. The opportunities are limitless, but identifying you're WHO you would like to speak to will determine the type of conversation you're having.


REAL ESTATE INVESTING- More importantly, strategies, access to funds, opportunities


Organically, socially & through networking. its all about who you know!


Immideatly is ideal, but timing is everything! SOmetimes it takes 6 months to hot the check marks to make a deal happen. OR 12 -24 months when implementing a new strategy and learning the in's and out's.


Anyone who is intersted in RE investing already see's the value in it. HOWEVER, its our job as the professionals in the conversation to be able to point out the facts and give guidance when we can. All of our knowledge is limited to some degree, so knowing when to see an expert opinion is key.


Become the expert. We know knowledge is key. But putting ourself in front of the right audience having the correct conversations is how we make turn leads into deals.

I see it like this...

Those 6 questions can be broken down into 3 legs of a business plan for success to


our real esate clients🌟


Immediate & in the future 12-24 months


benefits of investing!


this is where youre soon to be amazing insight will shine!


Personally.. I think we need to better understand the WHO were working with.. In my option theres 3 types of homebuyers..

  1. Seasoned homeowners- Those who know their stuff and have probably done this several times. They know what to expect and are great repeat clients.

  2. Novice homeowners- New(ish) to the investing game, see's the benefit of owning Real Estate and ready for something new. Their needs are changing and in a great place to dig deep on their options.

  3. First Time homebuyers- These are our newbies, who are ready to learn all the ins and outs and excited but weary of their purchase.

Understanding their level of understanding of real estate is going to help YOU better serve THEM!

SO- If we are going to help guide our specific homebuyers then we need to understand our Real Estate Niche, at least the basics right?


Let's start here

👉🏼 Become knowledge based! 👈🏼


Start with checking out this FREE class of investing Basics and Thank me later!


So lets check in with the ✨process✨ of


🫵🏼 YOUR Investor Client Base 🚀

✅ KNOWLEDGE -> Investing Basics

❌ System

❌ Strategy


Soo.. Were on the right track!


We are only as good as our data base


If we fail to plan THEN we can plan to fail!

who am i to give this advice?


lets talk a little about ✨ ME ✨

I've put in some time

With over 14 years of Financial and Real estate experience, theres not much i havent seen. After Starting my career in Credit Repair, to auditing Banks in a Corporate Review Project that launched my career into Loan Origination to be a pioneer of Financial Literacy. My heart has been centered in making an impact for Clients (borrowers and home buyers) as well as my Referral Partners (Realtors) and educating along the way!

I've been at the foundation of success

Over the years I have been BLESSED with the opportunity to help grow the business of Realtors to become Top Producers in their markets and who have built now MEGA teams.

I hit a high

I hit a career high that is 😏 entering my 30's and was able to step out of direct sales and focus on my team of Loan officers and their personal growth.

I cracked a code

I'm going to be honest, the MORTGAGE BiZ wasnt my first business. This was my 3rd endeavour of being an Entrepenuer & i have learned a LOT along the way!

I like to share

Maybe its my servant heart, maybe its Maybelline (jk) BUT really, I cant keep this to myself because if YOU get ahold of this information and utilize it- I want you to share that with me. YOUR success is MY success! It could be from being a Cheerleader and coach for almost 30 years of my life but I LOVE cheering people on in their success and I want the same for you!



I had a half @$$ system


a fly by night strategy

No Really.. Dont Do what I did..

I dove head first into what i thought was a great marketing strategy and was


except for the fact that I had a horrible system in place

& I could not handle the BUSINESS that was coming in..

Sound like a good problem to have?


it was like a leaky faucet that i couldnt turn off

except I was drowning!

I was drowning in business, my clients werent getting the service they deserved & my Realtor partners were pissed & my poor kid was watching hours of tv and living off airfried chicken nuggets and instant mac & Cheese

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Essential for growing and scaling

your business




One small step for you,

but one GIANT leap for your business!